Thursday, August 8, 2013

Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment, Hot, Hot, Hot

      Was watching today and saw a GREAT interview. Several concerned patriots were above the Texas highways yesterday, waving banners and their message was imminent, newsworthy, and highly infectious.  The United States is on the brink of disaster. We have a rogue government ran by off-shore bankers, who are under maniacal and evil influence.  And it's painfully obvious our economy is ready to collapse which will lead eventually to martial law and "re-education camps" ran by FEMA. If we don't wake up and wake our brothers and sisters up we are doomed.  The overpass patriots were organized by They seem to be a a great organization and I would highly recommend everyone visit their sight. 

Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment has a simple goal.. The removal of the corrupt and criminal President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama.
His actions go unimpeded, our pleas through petitions unanswered. Our calls and letters to Congress are left ignored and unopened.
Our only peaceful recourse is to take to the streets and overpasses of America and DEMAND that our nation be returned to We the People, and that Barack Hussein Obama be Impeached, removed from office, and held accountable for his actions while serving as President.
America is in its greatest time of peril in since the Founding Fathers bravely fought in the Revolutionary War. Lady Liberty is calling YOU to stand up, to speak out, to take to the streets and DEMAND that the corrupt tyrant be removed from the White House, and all of those who colluded with him in his crimes against the United States be held accountable to the full extent of the law, with the maximum sentences handed down upon them.
When you grow old, would you rather tell your grandchildren that you stood up for Freedom, or would you rather tell them you did nothing as America fell to the iron fisted grip of tyranny?
NOW is your chance to honor the sacrifices of the Founding Fathers, and do your part to preserve their dream of truth, justice and liberty for ALL!
obama snot
As time permits we will be updating and expanding this website with resources to join this movement. In the meantime please visit the facebook page and state groups there to get details to join with us.
Click here to visit the main Facebook Page
The list of state facebook groups can be found here

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